Friday 19 March, 2010

Just An0ther Day

t0day, i'm starting t0 get use t0 where i'm staying n0w. KUCHING. but still, i miss h0me...and als0 al0r star. 5 years there sure left me with l0ts 0f memories. g00d and bad. and a week at h0me was fun. da lme xrs cmtu. but during the weekends at h0me, i wasted my time sleeping and lepaking at the s0fa in the hallway. rugi betul...:(. xchitchat p0n ngn al0ng. da lme x xb0rak sme2. th0se were mem0ries during 0ur childho0d. sblm td0 mesti sembang. ntah sembang ape ntah tp mesti ade t0pik. and 0ur main t0pic is kutuk 0rg...hahaha....biasela. POMPUAN. tp mmg fun ckp psl 0rg. hehe. anyway, sambung blk t0pik. my life here is just the same. xde beza pn. still a student. sometime i als0 want t0 feel living in a place 0f freed0m. n0t just being control by rules and regulations. letih tau. padan muke. sape soh i cap jari. t0day we did a little cleanup. cleared 0ur w0rking place and 0ur mess. but my r00m is a mess. aaarrghhh.....need t0 call marry p0ppins. just a click 0f a finger, everything will be in its place...xdela sepah sgt tp brg penuh. xtau nk sumbat mne da. a l0t 0f my stuff i left behind back at my h0me. yela, ingtkn xnk gune. kan da kne bli baru. dahla, t0wel yg baru br bli asik tercabut je bulu-bulu die. tensi0n btl. when i arrive here, i didn't l0ok in da mirr0r 4 ab0ut a week. just used the wind0w. left my IKEA mirr0r behind. nti nk s0h ayah bwk. hehe. sejak ddk cni, i think i ate a l0t. bef0re i als0 ate a l0t but dis time i didn't miss any c0urse. like bef0re i will skip lunch and dinner but ate supper.n0w, i will hav them all. hehe..blhla jd gemuk cket. i want t0 gain weight.I NEED TO. the f00d here is nice but very hard t0 find yang HALAL. silap2 mkn biawak. the pe0ple.....quite friendly. they're really sup0rtive and easy t0 talk. nice!!i h0pe i will like dis place but i d0n't want t0 stay here long...:)


  1. am still stranded here in this country but am already missing it tooo =\

    like that window mirror part lol =P

    keep the story-telling on

  2. Ntah caq, asik tido je arituh...tengok...rugi :P Pasneh payah dah lah nak lepak-lepak sama :(
