Sunday, 18 April 2010
t0day....i'm boros lg. i b0ught a new handph0ne. N0kia N97 mini. sgtla cantek..hehehe.br0nze c0l0ur. yg lame nk bg adik. lately, i bec0me s0 shopah0lic. alwayz wanting t0 buy s0mething. aritu kt kuching i da b0ught bag 4 myself and sis, kasut 4 my br0ther, kek lapis and terubuk 4 my familys and instruct0rs. it c0st me ab0ut 1000+. 0MG.....absla. where am i g0nna find m0ney t0 pay th0se thing. everthing i swipe. tula bahayenye guna kredit card...but i tink i can still manage. tunggu elaun flying masuk. settle sume. hehehe.sejak akhir2 ni, i like buying stuff 4 my l0ve 0nes. i jst dont mind. sumenye yg branded plak tuh..dl kedekut. yela. dl tade dwet. skrg b0lehla. s0 bile lg nk blnje kn. i enj0y giving them gifts....nt nk kumpul dwet beli rumah plk..huhu~
an0ther 5 days f0r the big day...and then 0f back t0 kuching...=(. we r ab0ut t0 get 0ur wings and at last my friend hilmi can als0 get his wing. after s0 much hardness dat he had t0 g0 through. but my 0ther friend c0uldnt get his. due t0 s0me things dat he did 0r didnt d0. Allah Maha Mengetahui. f0r 0ur parade, we had t0 combine with my juni0r c0urse. h0w lucky are they. 1 year plus in PLTB they can get 0ut already. 0urs was ab0ut 2 years. s000000 unfair. but what can we d0. alwayz da victim. but we learn t0 accept dat. anyway, they were also 0ur ex-c0ursemate during da cadets time. but...i became mad when the best 0verall result didnt g0 t0 my c0urse. but t0 theirs. wtf....h0w can it be like dat. are they blind. i mean was 0ur life there mean n0thing. after all th0se ragging. senior didnt m0nit0r, seni0r lack 0f c0ntr0l, seni0r did dis, seni0r did dat.....and lastly da juni0rs t00k da name. mane b0leh cmtu...xadil...mmgla c0mbine c0urse tp they sh0uld c0nsider dat we were 1st t0 finish at PLTB. if i kn0wn i might as well extend myself during da academics. xpyh blaja rajin2. hidup pn sng. if arwah was still here, he will be da 0ne t0 defend us. but die da xde. we're 0n our 0wn. nasib CSE 70. a l0t 0f people blame us f0r everything. always assuming 0ur c0urse is da w0rse wherelse we didnt d0 anything t0 deserve dis. if any0ne kn0ws us....they w0uld understand.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Salah Sangka
i g0t a msg fr0m my fren saying "ktne?"i said "kt bilik.npe?" he says "td lpk ngn d0rg.ade ckp ngn muar?" i said "lpk ngn dorg sape and ckp ape ngn muar?" he says "xpela" and then i realize he was talking ab0ut what happen just n0w. muar was talking t0 the ph0ne with s0me0ne and i kcau saying dat muar is GATAL. i didn't kn0w dat he was there 0n the 0ther side. s0 he asume me 0f being with muar. n0w i get it. BURUK SANGKA AND ASSUMING is a different thing. i think dat he is buruk sangka with me. but i cann0t av0id dat. its his brain and his th0ughts. i'm n0t a c0ntr0ller and he's n0t a r0b0t. tp sll buruk sangka kt die jgk..hehe =)
Thursday, 1 April 2010
just g0t back fr0m Sg Batang Air wt dinghi drill.perjalanan yg mengambil masa selama 3 jam lbh.ddk dlm bas xleh td0 jd b0rak2la smbil bermaen msg. s000ooo BORING.ble sampai trs amik gmbr . tp best jgk dpt mandi dalam air empangan..airnye hijau. jernihla jgk. dapat tgk padi huma iaitu padi yg ditanam di atas bukit. rupenye c0l0r beras tu itam. mcm pulut. xlalu plak nk mkn. nasi putih pn da sdp. ktrg td0 dlm khemah. mule2 nk td0 dlm bas sbb lg best. ade aircond dan luas cket. tp ktrg dihalau td0 dlm khemah. alasan???takut xbgn esok pg. NTAH APE2 NTAH. lps tu ktrg pn msk cpt2 dlm khemah dan trs td0.tkt kne pggl ngn sape2. k0l 4 terbgn. tgk2 baju basah. apekehe plk bsh ni. xkn kencing k0t. huhu....rupe2nya khemah b0c0r. die xkalis air tp serap air. tensi0n gle. td0la dlm keadaan basah dan sejuk. nasib baekla i ni jenis blh td0 dlm keadaan apepun. ktrg td0 smpi k0l 7. dan ktrgla yg plg last bgn. anak dara ape nth. xpeduli asalkan dpt td0 ngn cukup. bgn2 terus berus gg dan bukak khemah bersiap utk blk. disebabkan hujan menyebabkan ktrg ssh gle nk jln. seliper melekat2 dkt tanah. seliper jd mcm kst yg org pki utk pijak sn0w. lawak gle. jln2 kjp selipar trtgl dan terlekat kt tanah. hahaha....lps da siap kms semula, mandi dan terus blk. penat gle wlpn exercise kjp je....=)
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